City News

Not My Queen: No State Mourning Wants The Youth

Not My Queen: No State Mourning Wants The Youth

India gained independence from the British in 1947 but it seems like there is still slavery left in some people’s mind. When the colonizer Elizabeth of Britain died on Thursday the Government of India declared a state mourning will be observed on September 11. The elected BJP government at the center does not seem to represent the people who voted them into power. The current mood of the nation is not of mourning, but of celebration and relief, at least for the youngsters. Social media is rife with memes and reels about why the colonizer should not be mourned as she has committed numerous atrocities on people around the world throughout her life. The youth knows that she has blood on her hands and she doesn’t deserve one ounce of state respect. My City Links went around Bhubaneswar to find out what the young masses think of the state mourning.

“The so-called royal family of England is not royal at all. They can’t even accept their daughter-in-law just because she is black. They are ready to disown their own children just because they chose to marry someone who is not white. They are disgusting. India should not have a state mourning for Elizabeth,” shared an angry Rajesh Mohanthy, engineering student.

Echoing similar sentiments, Subhashree Samantray, a fashion design student, said, “England is what it is because of all the nations and people they have looted over the centuries. Elizabeth is not a queen, she is an oppressor. She doesn’t qualify for state mourning. I would suggest that Modi stop being such a loser. We should not patronize colonizers.”

The British are responsible for the suffering and death of millions of innocent and all their crimes have been extensively documented and yet the so-called monarchy has never apologized for them. Instead they continue to live off of the public like leeches. 

India is a free country and is not supposed to support terrorist regimes. State mourning is absolutely out of the question, feel many youth, not just in Odisha but across the country. Lipsa Dash, a software professional based in Bengaluru, shares her rage, “State mourning is not acceptable. The british monarchy is a family of terrorists.”

Author: Debi prasad sahu

Debi is an auteur of minimalism and a connoisseur of world movies and music. He loves to go on gastronomic adventures and crack PJs. He writes poetry and is a hippie soul.

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