
Hair Care For Winters That Will Make You The Talk Of The Town

Hair Care For Winters That Will Make You The Talk Of The Town

The pandemic has made us stay at home but that has not helped in any way to prevent hair damage. Tropical winters can drive you mad with bad hair frequently. The chemically modified hair treatments are not as effective as they claim to be and at the same time they burn a hole in your pocket. Here we have brought some affordable natural remedies that can give you flawless and shiny hair that you can show off with pride. 

Sugar Scrub

This might sound strange, but scrubbing the scalp by mixing sugar granules with your regular shampoo will remove dead skin and stubborn dust particles from the roots. Since sugar has high dissolving capacity, it won’t even last on your head after you thoroughly rinse it off.

Orange Pulp

Citric acid is well-known as an effective removal agent of dandruff, dead skin and pollution from the roots of your hair. It also helps in maintaining the natural lustre of hair. Instead of using normal lemon, you must go for ripe orange, tangerine, mandarin etc. for better results. However, you need to be sure of your scalp if it reacts to itch and inflammation.

Hibiscus Leaves

Not only the flower, the hair mask made with hibiscus leaves work wonderfully on hair. You just need to make a fine paste out of it with water and keep the application undisturbed for half an hour. The slime of hibiscus leaves is also used as natural shampoo.


The current onion prices might give you a mini heart attack, but you can use onion juice any time when you run out of all the aforementioned remedies. Onion juice helps in rebuilding the tissues of the scalp while strengthening the roots.

Oil Massage

Many of us skip with this crucial part of hair care. Hair scrubs and masks will be effective when the nourishment of oil will reach and enrich the roots. You can customise your hair oil by adding natural supplements like methi and black jeera (cumin) seeds, hibiscus flower petals etc.

Author: Debamitra mishra

A journalist by profession and a fanatic of liberal arts, Debamitra is a reporter and carves her niche in human interest stories. An artist in solitude and wannabe writer.

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