City Lights

Cut-Short The Time On Social Media To Gain Back Sanity

Cut-Short The Time On Social Media To Gain Back Sanity

Social media has no doubt become a pivotal mode of communication. But while living within four walls during the pandemic, our time spent in front of the screens has increased dramatically and this calls for digital detoxification to drive out the weariness. 

Minimize Usage

You cannot switch off your phone or get rid of social media completely. The day to day digital interaction includes work as well as networking with people. But you can definitely lessen the leisure time you invest in social media and try to be a part of the real world.

One focus at one time

We never realise what harm Artificial Intelligence does to our thought process. Scrolling through our Instagram or Facebook feed makes our mind cluttered with multiple temporary influences that passively impact our emotional and mental health as well as weakens our decision making process. In order to avoid that, inculcate and practise some good habits like physical exercises and mental strength training for mind by mantra meditation.

Reinvent Zeal

Spending hours on screen drains out all the energy in you. However, in certain cases, we compromise with time for professional work and commitments. The solution to this is restructuring your daily routine, proper management of time and concentrating on priorities. 

Replace Instagram Stories With Real Stories  

People’s lives are hardly how it seems on social media. People on social media pretend about ‘perfection’ most of the time. Find your connection in listening to stories of people around you. Books are also another great companion when it comes to stories.

Take a break From Online Toxicity

This applies to both real and virtual lives. However, nowadays, social media is full of hate speech, false information, abuse etc. Instead of checking them out, call a friend and involve yourself in healthy and productive conversations. Remembering memories equal to reliving them.

Do not check ‘Last Seen’

Checking on ‘last seen’ of people time and again does affect your peace. It is never one’s business to introspect someone’s time over the internet. Learn to control that urge by switching off or keeping the device away from you at intervals.

Author: Debamitra mishra

A journalist by profession and a fanatic of liberal arts, Debamitra is a reporter and carves her niche in human interest stories. An artist in solitude and wannabe writer.

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