City Lights

Anti-Valentine Week: A Parody Of Mushy Love

Anti-Valentine Week: A Parody Of Mushy Love

Valentine’s Day needs no introduction for youngsters. This special day is preceded by a week full of love and celebration that starts from February 7. 

But that week earmarked for love and wooing is over this year, and now comes the Anti-Valentine Week. This is the time to face and tackle the obstacles in a relationship and learn to let go.

Anti-Valentine Week, which kicks off from February 17, was created out of humour, but has now become a trend. Keeping in firmly in mind that physical violence is wrong, My City Links dives into the positivity that this week can bring in, despite the negativity attached to it.

Slap Day (February 15)

Slap yourself to gorgeousness. As per Korean beauty standards, ‘Paida Lajin’ (slapping therapy) is good for the skin. Slapping promotes blood flow and gives your skin a glow. You can also play ‘Slap Bet’ with your friends just like Barney Stinson.

Kick Day (February 16)

Kick out all the negativity in your life and embrace the positivity. Take up kick-boxing. It would not only help you tackle stress, but also groom your body. Indeed an awesome stress-buster.

Perfume Day (February 17)

Choose a fragrance that complements your personality. The unpredictable weather of Bhubaneswar surely makes it difficult to shower every day. So keep unpleasant body odours at bay and make sure you smell fresh throughout the day. Try alcohol-free ‘attar’ and be presentable in a jiffy.

Flirting Day (February 18)

It’s the day to sharpen your flirting skills. Flirt to establish a connection, and to gauge the interest of others in reciprocating that connection. Flirting does not necessarily have to be romantic. Socialise and construct new relations.

Confession Day (February 10)

Confess your true-begotten love for your parents. It’s high time you express all the affection and gratitude you have for them stacked up in your heart. Let them know and feel important just like they have done for you till date. Confess the wrongs you have done and give a new start to all your relationships. Confess your true emotions, and see magic happen.

Missing Day (February 20)

It is alright to be vulnerable at times. Remember and mend old relationships. Miss the inner child in you which is now replaced by maturity and worldly woes. Be nostalgic without necessarily yearning to return to the past.

Break-up Day (February 21)

Take a day off for your own self and relax. Break all ties with the people and things that pull you down. Break the boundaries, either set by society or you yourself. Be true to your own self. Don’t play hide and seek with your personality. 

The Anti Valentine Week is nothing more than a parody of the Valentine Week which gives an opportunity for all singles out there to poke fun at their committed friends and say, “I told you so!”

Also in the end, whether you are committed or single, you can choose to celebrate both Valentine Week and Anti-Valentine Week as long as there is joy and happiness in all that you do.

Author: Aafreen Firdaus

Aafreen is a doting mother to several kitties and a doggo who loves to pamper everyone with delicious food. She is a free spirit and a wizard of words and she loves to tell beautiful stories through her writing. She is also a loving and caring soul, always ready to pitch in with a helping hand and a smile on her face.

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